I have so much anger but so little time.
Take a moment and review your mental list of every person that angers you. Viscerally remind yourself how well you hate these people.
Now, take a moment to imagine lying on your deathbed with 15 minutes to live. Will you cling to this anger list until your last breath? Imagine releasing your grip and dropping the list to the floor, allowing you to live your final 15 minutes anger free.
Now, back up in time to the day before you die. With 24 hours remaining to live, do you cling to the anger list, or is now an excellent time to allow a breeze to carry it away? Imagine releasing the list and living your final day anger free.
I don’t know when in life is a good time to drop the anger list, do you?
Back up in time one year; you now have 365 days to live. Is now a good time to release the anger list? Imagine dropping it in a river, allowing the current to carry it away, permitting you to live your final year on earth anger free.
I don’t know when in life is a good time to drop the hate, do you?
Now back up in time to today, the present moment. How much longer will you live? How much of this life would you like to live anger free, 15 minutes? One Year? More?
I don’t know when in life is a good time to drop the anger, do you?
My image ‘Elysium’ reminds me that life is too precious to waste in anger.
Image Title Note: In mythology, Elysium is a heavenly burial ground at the end of the earth.